About Us

Silver Horizon Travel Co-operative Ltd (SH)

By seniors for seniors.

Who We Are

  • Silver Horizon Travel Cooperative Ltd (SH) was founded in 2012 by a group of senior travel enthusiasts. 
  • SH is a not-for-profit organization, run by volunteers.
  • SH is a traveling cooperative who organizes trips, events and learning for our seniors.
  • SH organizes travel packages with itineraries and tour management focused on the needs and interests of seniors. It strives to ensure that travel by seniors becomes more enjoyable and less stressful, thus enhancing their travel experience.
  • SH also uses travel as a platform to build friendship and bonding before, during and after the tour through related activities, thus making life more active and meaningful.

Message from Our Chairman

Welcome to Silver Horizon Travel Co-operative Ltd. Silver Horizon was the vision of our late founder, Mrs. Helen Lim, who started this social enterprise in 2012 to meet the needs of seniors who prefer elder-friendly travel services and products as part of active ageing.

We have now organized many of such tours to destinations near and far, including South-East Asia, East Asia, Europe and Australia as well as numerous local get-togethers. Many of our members can attest to the enriching education, the experience of different cultural milieu, the good times of fellowship, and the warm friendship forged over these occasions. We continue to remind ourselves that the issues facing the silver generation have become increasingly complex and fragmented affecting our mental and emotional well-being.

To this end, Silver Horizon's motivation is to be that bridging platform that will foster an authentic community amongst the seniors who enjoyed traveling together and sharing life’s experiences, and in doing so, will build beautiful relationships and memories which we can all treasure. We are heartened by your support over these years, especially post-COVID, which speak volumes about how we can move forward together as one. We can't do this without the selfless volunteering effort of our Executive Committee running the various aspects of the co-operative. All these affirm the principles of self-help and mutual assistance as articulated in our tagline "For Seniors, By Seniors."

I look forward to your participation in our programs and activities so that each successive year will be more fruitful, enjoyable and memorable than the last, as we build up our co-operative life in the pages of our common journey.

Victor Seow, Chairman


Why we are a co-operative – Do Good, Do Well

Our travel programs are dedicated to promote suitable activities, well-paced itineraries, comfortable stays and meeting new friends. We will focus on the travel needs and interests of fellow seniors, to facilitate more enjoyable and less stressful travel experience. Moreover, the Co-operative will serve to channel assistance aimed at enriching the lives of seniors without family support through the travel programs.


What We Do

From the start, when the idea of a travel service enterprise was first mooted, we already decided on a co-operative model rather than a private company. As a co-operative, the mission and passion come from its members to derive the “products and services” that is best suited for the majority and the common good. It is not so much just about profitability or trying to do the impossible by offering tours that are both “cheap and good”. We want to “do good, do well”.

With a co-operative, you need at least 10 founding members, and numbers do matter in a business as vast as the travel services. So we need to outreach to many more like-minded people, to benefit from their experience and wisdom. We welcome them to share the passion and social mission. As more people join, we will have more resources to plan many programs a year. Moreover, as a co-operative, we can also tap into the network of other co-operatives or Government agencies that promote active ageing. A co-operative is really about the power of collaboration and networks; it’s about co-operatives helping each other.

For more information about co-operatives, you can refer to the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) website: www.sncf.org.sg

SNCF is the national body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement since 1980.


Executive Committee Members (2023-2025)

Chairman Mr Victor Seow
Vice Chairman Mr Loi Hai Poh
Secretary Mr Edward Tan
Treasurer Ms Selina Dong
Asst. Treasurer Ms Teo Lay Hong
Events Subcommittee Ms Catherine Chan, Ms Magdalene Chong
Membership Mr John Tan
Tours Subcommittee Dr Shirley  Wan, Mr Victor Lim & Mr George Heng
Co-opted Member Mr Adam Hing
Co-op Representative Ms Kathryn Ang

Note: Subcommittees can be formed when required for activities like Marketing, Hospitality and Tours.