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What are the types and benefits of membership?
Ordinary and Associate membership are open to any person residing in Singapore or who has a Singapore residential address and who is at least 40 years of age. A confirmation of membership only when the majority of the executive committee members have given their approval.
Payment for membership may be paid bank transfer make payable to
Silver Horizon Travel Co-Operative Ltd OCBC account 641-444-799-001
or through PAYNOW or PAYLAH to UEN No. T12CS0001H
Ordinary Membership
- Pay Entrance fee of $80 (wef 1st April 2023)
- Subscribe 20 shares of Co-operative $50 per share, equivalent to $1,000 (refundable on resignation after 2 years subject to By-Law 4.11)
- Enjoy travel privileges as accorded to members
- Participate in dividend distribution, if any
- Participate in bonus issue, if any
- Exercise 1 vote irrespective of number of shares held
- Participate at general meeting any other meetings as called
- Stand for election to hold office in Executive Committee
Associate Membership
- Pay Entrance fee of $80 (wef 1st April 2023)
- Subscribe 1 share of Co-operative $50 per share
(refundable on resignation after 2 years
subject to By-Law 4.11) - Enjoy travel privileges as accorded to members
- Participate in dividend distribution, if any
Institutional Membership
- Open to trade unions and other Co-operatives
- Share subscription is capped at 20% of paid up capital of Co-operative
- Participate in dividend distribution, if any
- Participate in bonus issue, if any
- Appoint 1 delegate to exercise 1 vote irrespective of number of shares held
- Delegate participate at general meeting and any other meetings as called
- Delegate stand for election to hold office in Executive Committee.
Every member shall, on admission, be provided with a copy of the By-Laws of the Co-operative
An online digital Application Form available in the website “Member form”, click on it complete the form and press "Submit " together your digital payment through internet banking or through PayNow
Any member who is not liable to the Co-operative and who has been with the Co-operative for 2 years may resign on giving 3 months’ notice of resignation in writing. The share refund will be at nominal value or current book value, whichever is lower, 2 months after completion of the audited accounts.