Mongolia - Land of Eternal Blue Sky

​ Our 18 to 28 August 2024 Mongolia trip to the Land of Eternal Blue Sky was so memorable. I am moved to record it as a beacon for those who have never visited. Go for it at the next invite for the following reasons: 1. Experience, get overwhelmed by the immensity of the landscape of endless grasslands/steppe against white clouds and blue sky. As f...
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​ Day 1 - A group of 17 young-at-heart seniors set off for a short getaway to Bentong and Malacca. For some of us, this is our first overland trip away from Singapore since the countries' borders reopened, post Covid pandemic. Bukit Tinggi Hills, Bentong The coach ride took around 6 hours. After a lunch break at a Chinese restaurant in Se...
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Our Progress

As the world turns, it is amazing to realise how swiftly the years fly by! It is now already the end of April 2022 and we are still reeling from the vicious attack of the invisible enemy - the coronavirus omicron et al. Two years on and we will continue the Silver Horizon story … To recap, 2022 is the tenth year since the co-op started! Our dearly ...
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The Trip to Ipoh in 2020

Yes, this is the first resolution of the year – to report on all the Silver Hoiday tours that we conduct for 2020! Dates: 7-10 January 2020. Started the journey at Terminal 1, all 18 of us, flying at a good time of 1pm. From Ipoh airport, our guide Mr Rick Li brought us to the Hakka Association Museum to view the early Ipoh days, where everyone wor...
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Browse Facebook: Silver Horizon Travel Co-Op Ltd

c/o Victor Seow

178 Paya Lebar Road #04-10

Singapore 409030